Fun Learning Tools for February: Reading/Writing
Next up in the series of resources, you can use in February is:
Differentiated Roll, Read, and Write for Beginning Learners: February Edition
This differentiated resource is excellent for individual learners, small groups, or whole classes. You can decide if you want to print in color or black and white, as both are options in this one resource. There are five levels to choose from to differentiate for all learners. Let’s take a look at what is inside:
The lowest level is the alphabet level. This level would be great for learners working on their letter names, sounds, and formation. There are two options with level 1, capital letters and lowercase letters. You can give your learners just capital or lowercase or combine the capital and lowercase letters for even more practice. With level 1, you can have students name the letter, say the sound, and write the letter. This resource allows the educator to have students do all the tasks, some, or come up with their own tasks. You can differentiate it to meet the needs of your learners.
CVC Words:
For level 2, the learners work with CVC words. The following word families are included in this level: -an, -at, -ab, -ad, -am, -ap, -en, -in, -ip, -it, -og, and -ug. With this level, learners are given CVC word families to work with. There are some different ways that learners can work with these word families. They can read the words, spell the words, write the words, or however they decide to differentiate the task.
Word Families:
Level 3 is a more advanced version of the CVC word families. The following families are included: -ack, -all, -ash, -ell, -est, -ill, -ink, -ock, -uck, -ump, -ore, and -ing. In this level, learners are given more advanced word families. Once again, there are different ways learners can interact, whether it be saying the word, spelling it, or writing it.
Level 4 is all about sentences. Each set of sentences is based on a word family. For example, “The cat is fat." There is so much that learners can do at this level. Learners could read the sentences, write them, draw a picture to go with them, or take it a step further and have them find and identify the different parts of the sentence. There are many ways the educator can differentiate this level to meet the learners where they are.
Valentine’s Edition:
Level 5 is Valentine’s edition. This level is filled with Valentine’s words. Learners could read the words, spell the words, write the words, draw pictures, write sentences, and so much more. Children always think celebrating holidays is so much fun, so this would be a great way to incorporate words and learning into your Valentine’s day.
As you can see, this resource has options for a variety of learners, so everyone can participate in the fun. If you have any questions about this resource, please feel free to ask. Below is the link to this resource: